June 4, 2020
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A career counsellor is the sous chef of the employment world. They help you prepare, gather your tools and market yourself well so employers will see your value.

If you are struggling with where to turn next to accomplish the next career objective in your life, reach out to a Career Counsellor. They provide a whole variety of solutions for you. In their briefcase of employment assistance, they offer career clarification, long and short-term goal setting, skills and interest assessments, and access to interview and employment opportunities. They can also link you to coaching and mentoring opportunities that will help you get a job or keep a job.

It’s an exciting way to approach your goals because the counsellor will help you explore ideas and identify places you might not have thought about and help you uncover the hidden skills and abilities you might not realize you have. You will want to tap into someone who knows what’s happening in the community and labour market, who has up to date information on your rights, your obligations and workplace culture. They should know all about professional accreditation, language credentials and prior learning assessments if that is what you need.

By meeting with a Career Counsellor, not only will you gain support and receive guidance, you will learn how to organize and polish your resume, answer those tough interview questions, obtain additional job search resources, participate in career exploration sessions, and gather an emotional supporter, confidante, coach and cheerleader. Find one at any of the Employment Ontario funded Employment Service sites.

Achēv offers free weekly events and workshops to help you achieve your employment and career goals. Visit our Events Calendar to see all of our upcoming events.

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