June 10, 2020
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This is a good question, but a problem that is easy to overcome. The good news is that everyone is trying to stay healthy by staying in and self-isolating, but making face-to-face or in-person connections has become difficult if you are looking for work. The truth is, companies are still hiring and networking and meetings can still be done virtually. Here are 10 ways to make start to make the best use of your time while at home:

1. Use LinkedIn to Introduce yourself to employers

2. Call up your references and reconnect about what you have been up to

3. Reach out to friends and family by the phone or email

4. Polish up your LinkedIn profile so potential employers can find you

5. Learn how to set up a virtual meeting using Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp or Facetime

6. Develop an email campaign to let employers know you are available

7. Spend time doing your research on the companies you want to work with

8. Make a list of informational interview questions

9. Write a value statement and email to employers

10. Offer to help someone else – you never know how it will come back to help you

Don’t let the Pandemic put a stop to your networking efforts. If you continue to make those important connections, you will be far ahead of the competition to get that job of your dreams.

Achēv offers free weekly events and workshops to help you achieve your employment and career goals. Visit our Events Calendar to see all of our upcoming events.

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