June 3, 2021
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Are you striving to turn a vision into reality? Are you tackling a small goal such as writing a cover letter or exploring a big goal such as returning to university to advance your career? Whatever size the vision is, job seekers always benefit from goal setting.

If you have already used Employment Ontario services, you might have been told about various goal-setting approaches. For example, the SMART goal method and the WOOP goal-setting technique are both very popular.

Recently Aydolu Simsek, the Resource and Information Specialist who works at the Achēv Parliament location, told job seekers about the GROW model for goal-setting. Aydolu develops and facilitates many of the job search webinars offered at Achēv and is always searching for new best practices to assist Employment Ontario job seekers.

What is the GROW Model?

The GROW model is a goal-setting method developed in the United Kingdom in 1992. What sets it apart from other methods is that it encourages job seekers to make changes according to current reality. Since COVID-19 has changed the Canadian workplace, this reality is more important than ever. The GROW model helps in overcoming fear, uncertainty, procrastination and hesitancy that might be encountered during a job search journey. GROW is a method that aligns goals with reality, outlines a plan of action to overcome major obstacles, and turns them into achievable options so job seekers can reach new opportunities.

Recruiters and employers are always making choices that might lead to opportunities for job seekers. For example, in a recent survey, employers confirmed that the resume is the biggest obstacle when it comes to understanding who the applicant is and making a hiring decision. When asked about the best resumes, all employers agreed that the most impressive ones were easy to read, told a compelling professional story, listed accomplishments instead of just tasks and responsibilities, and did not use clichés.

Here is an example of how to connect the GROW goal-setting model to developing an exceptional resume:

1. G = Goal. What do you want?

The goal is to write a resume to impress employers by using fresh and relevant words instead of tired clichés.

2. R = Reality. Where are you now?

The current reality is that the COVID-19 lockdown is happening in Ontario, however Employment Ontario assists job seekers via remote services. Achēv Career Specialists support job seekers on a one-to-one basis with resume questions at Zoom meetings or during phone calls. Or you can attend a Resume Webinar conducted by a Resource and Information Specialist.

3. O = Obstacles and Options. What could you do?

By using the no-cost services offered by Employment Ontario, you can learn how to write a general resume and a tailored or targeted version for a specific job posting. Job seekers can discover the best font size and style, what format to use, and how to change dull and over-used statements into descriptive announcements that illustrate accomplishments.

For example, “Excellent communication skills” can be transformed into “Presented information at in-person customer meetings using remote technologies and spoke to diverse audiences at college recruiting events”.

4. W = Way Forward. What will you do?

You can convert your options into action steps by thinking of the term “way forward” as an intention or commitment. Start today by contacting Achēv to register for a Resume Webinar or find out if you are eligible to meet with a Career Specialist. Every year the Career Specialists, Resource and Information Specialists, and Staffing Specialists at Achēv assist more than 25,000 job seekers in the GTA. This is a statistic that you want to be part of.

In summary, if you are seeking a new approach for your job search try using the GROW model. By knowing your goal, understanding your current reality, acknowledging your obstacles and learning your options, you can pledge to follow through on your goal using willpower and determination.

Achēv Employment Ontario services are currently provided remotely at 6 locations across Toronto, North York, Mississauga and Brampton. Grow your job search by contacting Achēv today and learn more about how goal-setting can move you forward to employment success.

This blog was written by Lisa Trudel, Career Specialist, Achēv.

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