Rishi Behari is a professional coach, consultant, teacher, facilitator and speaker. He comes as a partner to the Achēv team with an impressive and eclectic background across many industries. Rishi has worked with some of the top schools, businesses, and organizations in the world. The Founder and CEO of Flowstate Coaching & Consulting, Rishi formerly served as the Associate Director of the innovative Masters of Management in AI program at the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University.

His range of expertise in work related to addressing systemic racism includes ongoing work as a professional facilitator for the Black North Initiative (BNI). Rishi also worked with BNI & Boston Consulting Group (BCG) leadership on the development and launch of a first-ever Racial Equity Playbook for BNI’s over five-hundred signatory organizations. He has appeared across media, including international television, conferences and podcasts as a guest expert on a range of topics. These include the intersection of ethics, equity, diversity, and belonging with modern society and artificial intelligence.

Personal experience informs Rishi’s professional work. He grew up in the heart of the Canadian prairies as the product of an interracial and multi-faith marriage. Rishi’s lived experiences from early childhood were informed by the reality of being “different”.  Moving into young adulthood, Rishi first began leveraging his unique perspective toward tackling social issues in his local community. He now uses his experience to help organizations and individuals navigate crucial conversations around social issues within a modern context.

As a former university athlete in soccer, Rishi is an avid sports and travel enthusiast. He has traveled to two World Cups of soccer, the European Cup of soccer, and the Winter Olympics. His academic credentials include BAs in psychology and sociology. He holds an MBA from the Smith School of Business at Queen’s University and IE Business School in Madrid, Spain. Rishi has also earned Executive Certificates in Coaching for High Performance, Leadership, and the Neuroscience of Leadership.

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