July 20, 2023
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We are pleased to announce that the Achēv Mississauga location has been selected to be a part of the Ontario government’s Investing in Women’s Futures program. The Ontario government is expanding the program through funding for Achēv’s new RISE program. RISE, which stands for Resilience, Independence, Support, and Empower, is a program open to all women & self-identifying women individuals based in the Peel & Halton region facing abuse and gender-based violence.

We’ll provide employment readiness programming, including digital literacy and workplace intercultural training, financial workshops, networking, mentorship, and one-on-one coaching, to survivors of gender-based violence. We’ll also offer wraparound supports, including counselling, safety planning, and legal rights workshops.

The program will focus on preventative measures as well as helping women access resources and information that will help them feel safe and ultimately become economically empowered and develop a strong sense of well-being.

“Achēv is grateful for this investment which allows us to better serve women facing barriers in a safe, inclusive, and empowering environment,” said Tonie Chaltas, Chief Executive Officer, Achēv.

The expansion of the Investing in Women’s Futures program to 10 additional locations is part of a $6.9 million investment over three years to enhance the program and create more economic opportunities for women. It will also help more women experiencing social and economic barriers connect to supports and develop the skills they need to gain financial security and independence. Read more here: https://news.ontario.ca/en/release/1003285/ontario-helping-more-women-in-mississauga-build-skills-and-get-jobs

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