January 25, 2024
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LinkedIn has rapidly turned into a major resource used by recruiters to identify new talent. While the site typically has over 14 million open jobs, 87% of recruiters regularly report using LinkedIn to find qualified candidates. Here are eight ways to make your profile stand out to recruiters.

Have a Quality Headshot

Your photo is the first thing that someone sees on your profile. It’s very important that you use a quality headshot. Getting one from a professional photographer is often more affordable than people think. However, if you don’t want to go this route, you can have someone take one for you. Stand against a plain background and take a picture from your chest up in work attire with your head looking slightly to the side. Don’t use a selfie.

Make Your LinkedIn Profile Easy to Read

If a recruiter looks at your LinkedIn profile, they’re going to want to be able to skim it fairly quickly. Thus, you want to ensure that it’s easy to read. Use short paragraphs and concise writing to keep people’s attention. Bullet points are also a great way to organize information.

Grow Your Network

There are many benefits to having a large network on LinkedIn. One advantage is that more recruiters may notice you as you’ll be more likely to have connections in common. You can grow your LinkedIn network by making it a habit to send connection requests after meeting someone. Additionally, connecting your LinkedIn to your address book can help optimize connection suggestions for you.

Giving Endorsements Gets Endorsements

A great way to stand out to recruiters is to have endorsements. Many people wonder about the best way to get endorsements. While it’s perfectly fine to ask someone close to you to provide you with one, the best way to get endorsements is to give them to others. Look through your network and identify people you’ve worked closely with that you can endorse for a particular skill. Typically, people will want to return the favor. This is a great way to quickly rack up some endorsements.

Engage in LinkedIn Learning

It’s no secret that organizations typically value people who are lifelong learners and spend time on their own professional development. There are great ways to showcase these qualities to potential employers, one of which is by completing courses on LinkedIn Learning. In addition to being a great way to learn new skills, LinkedIn Learning allows you to add a course completion certificate to your profile. This is a great way to further advertise the skills you continue to accumulate.

Share Content to Your Feed

Getting noticed by recruiters on LinkedIn involves getting noticed by LinkedIn’s algorithms. Being more active on the platform is one way to help increase the chances of your profile showing up when recruiters search for people with your skills. A great way to begin doing this is by sharing content to your feed. Watch your LinkedIn feed and share interesting content when you see it. Be sure it’s something relevant to your industry or the types of jobs you would hope to attract. This is a great starting point for garnering more attention.

Provide Well Thought Comments

A great way to further enhance your engagement on the LinkedIn platform is to comment on the posts and shares of others. If you read an interesting article, feel free to comment. The key to a good comment is that it’s thoughtful, reflective of what has been shared, and helps further the conversation. Additionally, be sure to positively engage with people when they respond to your comments. This discourse will help you connect with others and raise your performance with LinkedIn’s algorithms.

Understand Your Target Audience

One of the most critical aspects of creating an engaging LinkedIn profile is understanding your target audience. If you’re looking to be hired by recruiters, make sure that your profile is written with them in mind. LinkedIn is quite different from other social networking sites in that it’s aimed at the professional world. Think about the words you use when designing your profile and ensure you’re using language that highlights skills and experiences that recruiters in your field would look for.

Final Thoughts

LinkedIn can be a powerful resource in your search for a job and can continue to link you to many opportunities for years to come. However, getting noticed by recruiters means ensuring that your LinkedIn profile is optimized for them to find you. These tips are great ways to ensure your LinkedIn profile stands out to recruiters.

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